I'm so beyond pumped now - my class schedule is all set for next semester! I will only have class Monday through Wednesday (crazy, right?) and I'm taking the equivalent of 16 credits (4 classes). I'm taking one humanities-type class on The Classic Hollywood Musical, which seems pretty cool. In addition to the traditional lecture, we also spend time watching various classic musicals during a screening time session. My other three classes are suitable for my major and are about a variety of topics including: cognition, evolution, behavior, and mammals. I study Evolutionary Anthropology in the US so these classes should suit my studies quite perfectly.
I have officially less than three weeks until I arrive in London and I will be there for the next five months. I cannot believe how fast the end of this semester has gone by, I only have one more exam and then I'm officially ready for next semester!
I named this blog after a line in one of my favorite band's (they're English, naturally) songs called "Always New Depths." You can listen to it here if you'd like!
“Always New Depths” by Bloc Party
You don't need to preach to me
I'm a believer, baby
You don't need to preach to me
I'm a believer
If you want lies I can tell them
If you want lies I got 'em All the pennies in the Thames
Will not make it how it was
Welcome to my blog! If you’re reading this you most likely were given the link from me personally or you know me as TheRitaWay on Youtube.
I am going to be studying abroad in London from January 2012 til June 2012. This blog will be where I update you on my life in London and my travels throughout Europe over the next few months.
I will try to update this as often as I can and import videos and photos as well to keep things lively. Make sure to follow this blog if you want to stay updated with my latest posts.